viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Situations That Change Using Character


Ok, I need to tell you something.
You know that I am human, and not always use the Character Strengths ;), so here I would share with you a situation when I tatally forgot Self-Control. XD

So here we go....

"It happen not tolong ago. I was making my homework and then I remeber that I needed to

something. Well, my mom told me that she could go print me that if I send her the link of the project by Whatsapp, the big problem was that I didn´t had my 

charged with battery. I was death, because my cellphone needs 1 hour for it to be 

I was so angrey, that I shouted to my mom a few bad words. She got so angry and I did so. It was horrible. But after some time, both felt guilty and appologize."

Well that is my storry...

But I am thinking what would have happened if I used self-control...

Well I think I wouldn´t have shouted, and my mom would have seen that I could be responsable.

Also I must say that Character Strengths have changed my life because they showed me how to be a better person and also how to be happy.

Thanks for Reading.


2 comentarios:

  1. HEY!! Nice work, I really like the way how you designed your blog, the posts you've made, is really awesome! KEEP LIKE THAT!

  2. Nicee! Beautiful blog, keep the hard working! Hope to see more of you.
